Quantity takeoff and measuring from blueprints

Measuring and calculating metres, squares, cubes and pieces has never been easier. Everything is done directly from the .pdf file
Planmetry is currently on BETA phase. You can start using it now.

Qantity takeoff, measurement, blueprints, people measuring, collase image

Read more about the features of Planmetry

A man measuring quantities from a blueprint

Do you measure quantities from blueprints?
We made it easy!

The service is designed for measuring and quantity takeof from blueprints.

You can easily measure metres, squares, cubes and pieces and the data is automatically transferred to the quantity takeoff file.

Blueprints on a computer screen

Say goodbye to manual data transfer

You can easily define which building components or units you are measuring. The measurements are automatically transferred to the quantity takeoff list.

You can download the quantity takeoff list in .csv  format and the list will work as such in calculation programs. No more need for pen and paper or separate notes between programs.

Product numbers for cost calculation needs

You can easily specify pipe types, duct types, cables, fittings, valves and other HVAC, plumbing & electric components. The program will help you quickly find the correct  product for the objects to be used in the calculation.

Read more about the features
A man working with a technical drawing on a computer
Fast modern production with a robotHigh productivity chartA man is satisfied of the result

Take your productivity to a new level immediately.

Our goal is a program that is easy to use. You don't need months of learning to use it. The intuitive interface allows you to start working efficiently almost immediately.

Ease of use

The program is easy to use and quick to learn.


The app works in a browser and you don't need to install any software on your computer.


Solutions to the real

CAD-based measurement tools are difficult to learn and take time to implement. With Planmetry, you can start working productively immediatly and it doesn't take months to learn a new program. The program is easy enough and does everything you need.

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Easy to learn how to use

On the renovation side, floor plans are usually used to measure floor squares and wall linear metres, among other things. With Planmetry, you can also quickly obtain the squares of the wall surfaces by assigning a z value to the measured metre. With Planmetry, the measurement of basic quantities and masses is quick and easy to transfer to your own Excel spreadsheet or program.

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Main functions for the contractor

Copying and printing papers is expensive. When doing a contract calculation in the traditional way by measuring paper photos, copies can cost several hundreds or even thousands each month. With Planmetry, you no longer need to order copies.

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Get rid of copying costs

It is common in the construction industry to measure .pdf drawings using a software which is designed only for reading and editing .pdf files. This is not an efficient method because the software and tools are not designed for quantity takeoff and the work involves a lot of manual steps. With Planmetry, quantities are captured instantly and the program is specifically designed to measure drawings and generating quantity takeoff file.

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The right tools for measurement

With Planmetry you can take measurements and areas from blueprints and it's much faster than opening a program installed on your computer. This is also possible on site when the service works in a browser. You can also clearly see what has been calculated and what hasn't when, for example, pipes have been "drawn over".

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Quick measurements from blueprints

With Planmetry, you can easily measure products that are calculated in units, metres, square metres, or cubic metres at the same time. For example, pipes, cables, IV ducts can be measured easily and quickly and are transferred with the correct data directly to the quantity takeoff list.

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Distances, squares, cubes, pieces

Choose the subscription that suits your needs

Beta - Starter

0$ / mo

The Beta Starter version is free. Now and always.

Planmetry is currently in the BETA phase and this version is the only one available. We will offer more features and different options in the future.

Measuring tools, metres, squares, units
Save your work files
Own measuring modes for building, plumbing and electricity
Sharing a quantity takeoff file by email
Download of quantity takeoff lists in .csv format
Start using BETA now