Check out the latest features (BETA)

This page presents the main features of the Planmetry application. The software is under active development and new features are released regularly.

A man is working with a construction blueprint

Quantities takeoff

The service is designed for measuring and quantity takeoff from construction blueprints.

You can easily measure metres, squares, cubes and pieces. You can easily define which building parts or units you are measuring. For all elements you can define optional positions and give comments.

Technical drawings on a computer screen

Export your data in the right format

You can download the list of quantities in .csv format and the list will work as such in calculation programs. No more need for pen and paper or separate memos between programs. It is possible to export the quantity list to all cost accounting programs that accept data as .csv or excel files.

Image from a worksite

Plumbing, Electrical, Construction, Tools by type of work

The program has different drawing & measurement modes. The mode affects the tools displayed to the user. Separate drawing modes are available for the plumbing, ventilation, electricity and construction. Drawing modes have menu structures to help you find the right object.

Ventilation ducts and lamp on top of the ducts

HVAC & plumbing products directly in the quantity takeoff list

You can easily specify pipes & accessories , duct types, and other HVAC components. The program will help you quickly find the right part  to use in the calculation. Just pick parts from blueprint and you will get the quantity takeoff list as a result.

Electric distribution centre

Electrical products directly in the quantity takeoff list

You can easily specify cable types, fixtures, lamps and other electrical components, for example. There is a dedicated tool for point calculation. The program helps you to quickly find the correct electricity objects to use for the calculation.

A industrial robot is performing fast production

Easy to learn, fast to productive work

From the very beginning, Planmetry has been designed to be easy to use. There is no need to spend months learning how to use this program.

It's simple to use and you'll be doing productive work right away.

A man is workin on computer doing work with a technical drawing

Easy handling of PDF files

You can download a .pdf drawing into the program. You can set the scale automatically or by drawing a baseline and telling the program the length.

Measuring quantities works with the drawing tools. You can measure metres, squares, cubes and pieces. The measurements are transferred directly to the quantity takeoff list.


Answers to frequently asked questions

This section contains answers to common questions and basic information about the app and how to use it.

What is Planmetry and how does it work?

Planmetry is a quantity takeoff program designed primarily for measuring and calculating quantities from construction drawings. You can upload a blueprint to the service and measure quantities using the application's drawing tools.

The program supports the measurement of meters, squares and quantities per unit. Metres and squares can also be z-valued, i.e. converted into square or cubic metres. All measurements and markings are clearly displayed on the drawing in their own colours and symbols. Measured quantities and units are transferred directly to quantity takeoff list, which can be downloaded from the software.

How is Planmetry different from others?

The app works in the browser. You don't need to install any software. The program is very easy to learn, adopt and use.

What does it cost to use the service?

The software is in beta phase. It is currently free to use. The free version will continue to be available in the future.

Is Planmetry a costs calculation software?

Planmetry is designed for quantity takeoff. Quantity takeoff is the most time-consuming phase in the cots estimate process. Planmetry is not a costs calculation program, but you can transfer the quantity takeoff list into your own costs calculation program. Our goal is to make the slowest and most tedious step faster and smoother.

Does Planmetry have integrations with other softwares?

Planmetry currently has no integrations (API), but we will release an automated data migration tool for partner software in the future. However, the quantities measured with Planmetry can be exported from the software* as a .csv file. The Excel format will be added to the range in the near future. This file can still be imported into the calculation software.

(*this is how it works with all programs currently on the market, very few transfers the data "directly", you have to download the file to your computer and enter it into your calculation program)

Is the program suitable for a construction entrepreneur?

Yes. The program makes it easy to measure metres and squares and cubes from images. For each measurement you can define a position and type, for example room/floor and the data is transferred directly to the quantity takeoff list. You don't need complex CAD software for measuring.

Is the program suitable for a HVAC or plumbing contractor?

Yes. The software has separate drawing modes for plumbing and ventilation. For example, you can select pipes directly from the menu and and the information will go directly to the quantity takeoff list.
‍Meters are quick to measure and there are predefined objects for faucets, valves and numerous  devices and fittings, for example.

Is the program suitable for electric job quantity takeoff?

Yes. The software has a dedicated drawing mode for electricity. You can draw and measure meters, such as cables, cable racks and pipes. There are multiple drawing objects for different fixtures and fittings. The drawing tools also have a dedicated menu for pieces measurement.